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There are many that say they are Green carpet cleaners Hampton TN but when it comes down to chemistry you will find the fakes. We provide green carpet cleaning for the Hampton, Butler and Mountain City and other areas in that vicinity of Tennessee.

Green means that it’s natural, organic, but…….. most important that it is human safe. Many will also call it Eco Friendly but carpet cleaning really has nothing to do with the eco system, unless that carpet cleaning waste water enters the eco system. Proudly the product I have used for so many years is all food grade, the dirtiest thing in my waste water will be your dirt. Too many natural things are not human safe. Lye (sodium hydroxide) is natural yet it’s used as a carpet cleaner by a certain franchise that labels it green and safe. Anything caustic should never be used to clean carpet but making the job quick and easy for employees rules I guess.Green carpet cleaners

Many things that get labeled green are in fact not!  True Green Carpet Cleaners use only ingredients that are truly safe & green. Unfortunately there are no standards or laws on what Green is or how it is defined, instead that is left up to you and me.

Quite frankly there are some very evil carpet cleaning chemicals out there in the hands of non caring or knowing carpet cleaners. They are sold and taught by the industry, it’s big money, forget what’s in it! Every new chemical that comes out ends up on a carpet cleaners forum and away it goes as the newest & greatest fad.

We have our Green, non toxic, safe way to carpet clean. This includes modifications to our flush, rinse and extraction system but mostly to our water. We use no chemistry in the water that we flush & rinse your carpets with, this is the only true, non-misleading form of not leaving a residue behind. Others will claim not to leave a residue but inject chemicals through their water or even convert that water into a chemical.

Give us a call if you’re searching for green carpet cleaners Hampton or other close areas, we’ll discuss it, in the meantime check out our prices: ')}

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